
Welcome to the random ramblings of a scattered mind.

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Location: St. Louis, MO

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Glad to be here

I just left my old blog station, the people who ran it liked to mess around with their bloggers just a bit too much.

I'm a simple girl from St. Louis who has a lot on her mind. Right now I'm watching the whole Terri Shiavo fiasco unfold. Why has the President gotten involved. If my family were having a dispute over one of our own, I'd like Congress, the Senate, and Old Bush to keep the hell out of it. It's none of their damn business. So now what, are they going to get involved every time a family has a dispute? Don't they have better things to worry about, like that little war going on over in Iraq. We have a homeless problem, AIDS is killing people, cancer has not been cured, terrorism has not been vanquished, our teachers live in poverty while our sports figures live in luxury, but God forbid Terri Shiavo should die. Who cares? In the scheme of things, my life is not effected by Terri Shiavo at all, but it is effected by the government thinking they can come in and tell me how to live.

What is happening to our country? We are being run by a government who feels religion is more important than common sense. Separation of Church and State, people. Our forefathers made it that way because they saw first-hand how a country ran by religion can go straight down the shitter. Everyone keeps saying how its God's will that Terri live. Oh yeah, you talk to him lately? I could have swore that he didn't make house calls. This is between her parents and her husband. End of story.

I'm so disappointed with this country. North Korea is stocking piling it's nuclear weapons and all we can talk about is what JLo is wearing. Most of the world views us as the Evil Empire and all we can do is talk about is who's getting kicked off Survivor. We stuff our faces with Ho-Hos and Ding-Dongs, then get insulted when other countries call us fat. We worship money, but don't consider ourselves greedy.

We elect a President who's in bed with the Bin Laudin family, then believe him when he says he's hunting for Osama. As long as Bush is in office, Osama will never come to justice. It would be bad business for the Bush family.



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