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Friday, March 25, 2005

Blowing their Stacks

Conservative Christians in the south are protesting the IMAX movie "Volcanoes of the Deep Sea" because of its reference to evolution. Specifically, that "life may have evolved from bacteria able to live in the water around super-hot vents of deep-sea volcanoes." A lot of theaters said, "We're not taking the film literally for fear of the reaction of the audience," said Richard Lutz, a Rutgers University oceanographer who was chief scientist for "Volcanoes."*

Let me get this straight. A bunch of Christians from the bible belt don't want this film shown because it has factual and scientific information that life can be created by other means than, say, a non-proven, imaginary deity who may/may not have lived some thousands of years ago? Do I have this right? Basically, to get to a fine point, they don't like this film because it goes against their beliefs.


I hate the TV show "Law & Order" and all 27 of it's spin-offs. I think they treat viewers like they are the dumbest people on earth and aren't realistic in the slightest. However, when the show comes on, I simply change the channel. Just because it's on does not mean that I have to watch it.

But that's not what bothers me about this article. It's the fact that those loving, forgiving, God-fearing Christians have threatened violence and death to the owners of the theatre's who want to show this film. How in the hell is that following the word of God? I have read the bible, and in no part did I find "Ye shall be forgiven of acting like an ass in public as long as you say you are doing your violence in my name." If it's in there, I'd like someone to point it out.

Those peace loving, turn-the-other-cheek, love-they-neighbor Christians will turn into rabid pitbulls the moment they find someone who doesn't think like they do.

If you don't believe me, do this. Wear a dress with a pillow underneath it and drive to your nearest abortion clinic. Get out of your car and waddle towards the front door. See what happens. Will you be enveloped in a bubble of compassion and understanding? Will there be offers to help you cope with having a child? Will you find the outpouring of love and sympathy overwhelming.

Not likely.

Let's get back to the topic at hand. Lisa Buzzelli, who heads the Charleston IMAX theater in South Carolina, told the New York Times last week, "We have definitely a lot more creation public than evolution public. Being in the bible belt, the movie does have a lot to do with evolution, and we weigh that carefully."

Why? Do theaters worry about Muslims when they show movies that have cows in them? Do they worry about vegetarians when they show a film where people are eating meat? No. Oh, but the Christians, well, we have to bend over backwards and keep them happy. No, we don't. Show the damn movie, and if you as a Christian don't like it, then stay home. No one is making you see this film. Just because you don't like it doesn't give you the right to tell a business man how to make his money. Your OPINION does not matter. Everyone has an opinion, just like everyone has an asshole, and in most cases, both are full of shit.

The filmmaker, Stephen Low, said it best. "I think if you've got a nonprofit status as a science museum, keep it to science. Let the church across the street, another nonprofit, do their own thing. Don't mix the two."

*Quotes taken from an article found on iwon.com by David Germain.


Blogger Zee said...

I agree wholeheartedly with you on this. Why does it always seem that it's Christians protesting everything when they are supposed to be so loving and forgiving? If you don't like it, don't see it. End of story.

I, personally, don't understand why some people don't want to see both sides of the evolution story before making an educated decision for themselves about what they choose to believe. Blind faith without some sort of knowledge just seems dumb to me.

4:04 PM  
Blogger Matto the Hun said...

Its sad that these small groups o fundamentalist screw jobs give the decent Christian majority a bad rap.

The funny thing is, evolution is not even a concept that is contrary to god or in any way does anything to debunk god or religion.

Its just these extreme right wing screw jobs who believe the bible verbatum who take a day of from beating their pregnant barefoot wives to go out and shove their "compassionate conservatism" down everyone's throats.

What a shame. And it's absolutely absurd that anyone would buy into some hokey bullshit MYTH where what?... a woman was made ot of a fucking RIB!!! What kind of crazy bullshit is THAT! Yeah I'll believe that rubbish over a theory strongly supported by proven facts!

And now they have their voodo science... "Intelligent Design". Which says that life is so complex that there HAS to be some intelligent being behind it.

WTF!!! That's like me saying a math problem is soooo complex that only God can do it!

There MUST be SOMEONE behind this right! Sure, some chemical biological things happened and then MAAAAAGIC Happened! Yeah... we can't figure the whole thing out so it must have been...


This would be like me saying gee, this math problem (or my taxes)are sooooo complex that only GOD could do it! (I wish god would do my taxes!)

So their whole entire "scientific" theory says we're too stupid to bother figuring out the rest of this so it must have been an "Intelligent Designer"

Of course, by "Intelligent Designer" they mean god... but they are so "cleverly" careful not to admit that. (I can't believe I fell for that, did you?)

I asked if the Intellignet Designer could be aliens, they'll say "It could be...." But we alll know what they are really talking about.

I guess ignorance is bliss only for the ignorant.


4:19 PM  
Blogger Matto the Hun said...

awww shucks...

I done wrote a lots a words!

ahh well...gots ta go!

Me and the wife gotta go down to a Veggie rally and protest some burger joint. We're gonna throw buckets of blood on the patrons...hahahah... oh wait, where's that blood come from... ah screw it if the bible-thumpers can be hypocritical so can we right!!!


4:24 PM  
Blogger Barbarian02003 said...

Hey, thanks everybody. I appreciate your comments.

9:33 AM  
Blogger Matto the Hun said...

The thing about baptists is they don't hold them under water long enough. :P

6:18 PM  

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