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Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Pope on a Rope

I heard the Pope wasn't embalmed. Excuse me? You have parishioners and Heads of States paying homage to a literally rotting corpse? How is this spiritual? If you're going to lay a guy out for a week, you have a responsibility to do it wisely.

Pope or no Pope, human bodies decay when the blood stops being pumped through it. (Contrary to popular belief, the Pope was flesh and blood just like the rest of us.) I hope to God no flies have gotten into the church. It's going to be hard to explain to the masses why maggots are crawling out of the Pope's eyes. And let's not even talk about gases, okay. They build up, no matter if the body is in the woods or lying on a table dressed in finery. Those gases are going to have to come out sometime. Usually, they follow the path of least resistance and go through a hole that's already there. However, if that hole is, um, blocked, they'll find another route. Usually, by exploding through the stomach. WHat's going to happen when they move his body? KA-BLOOEY! Yeah, let's have that happen. Let's not even go into what happens to skin when one dies. I know the Pope was old and leathery, but it is just barbaric to have his face rot off in front of spectators.

This is 2005, people, not the middle ages. Embalm the guy already. He's dead, he doesn't care. But to subject hundreds if not thousands of people to the dangers of a rotting corpse is asinine, even for Catholics.


Blogger Matto the Hun said...

It is kinda odd that they would not embalm him... unless he was secretly Jewish, but I'm pretty sure that's not it.

I kinda don't care that much what they do or what happens, unless he came back as a Pope-Zombie... and he fought Shaun from Shaun of the Dead, that movie rocked.

10:37 PM  
Blogger Barbarian02003 said...

Hey, I'm still trying to find Tofu's site. Can you send it to me?

10:00 AM  
Blogger frangelico77 said...


3:03 PM  
Blogger frangelico77 said...

and i am sure the media would love it if the pope's body burst from gases on tv, oh the ratings for them.........I wish they would stop showing closeups of the body on the news. I had to turn the tv off. I don't wanta see the corspe laid out. It must smell in there.

3:19 PM  
Blogger Zee said...

I find this very strange and disturbing. Please tell me they didn't have a viewing!?

6:33 PM  
Blogger Matto the Hun said...

well, it looks like they finally boxed him up...

no zombie battle... very disappointing...

this seriously puts me off of religion

12:12 AM  

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