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Location: St. Louis, MO

Monday, April 11, 2005

Just Thinking

Bush's approval rating has taken a dip to 44%. Why? Raising gas prices, that little war in Iraq, and the Terri Shiavo case. The only thing lower than his approval rating is Congress' approval rating. Seems these republican fucks can't handle power. It hasn't even been a whole year yet and over half the country wishes Bush would have lost the election.

I watched this documentary on a woman who is a dwarf and has no arms raising a child. I thought I had problems. A little cellulite on my butt is nothing compared to that. More power to her, raising a kid is hard enough with arms, I can't imagine doing it without. Me, well, I'm not going to do it at all.

Yesterday was my sister's birthday and I went over to her house. Her boyfriend had done a great job cleaning it. My nephew was doing his best to destroy it. And his room! My god, it looked like a crack house for kindegardeners. I know kids are messy, but I can't remember our rooms ever being that trashed when we were kids. If made that kind of mess, we ususally got a red ass and then had to clean it up. Immediately.

I work for a University. Every year the Frats and sororities have a carnival. They build little booths and have rides and cotton candy and so on. It takes them a month to build these things and a week to set them up. I was walking around campus today, trying to get rid of said cellulite-ridden ass, when I came to a blockade. Now, I'm all for keeping other students away from your hard work because other students can be selfish, destructive, and rude. But I'm an employee and until you pay my salary, you can't tell me what to do. The little twit who tried actually went to grab my arm.

I am a master of evil looks. I can give a look at twenty paces that will make hair fall out. I reserve my meanest, nastiest, most evil looks for people who truly deserve to be threatened. Oh, and it is a threat. I can't give that look without having the will to back it up. So when this turd's hand started reaching for me I looked him straight in the eye and sent him a plethora of deadly intentions. Promises to hang him from fish hooks and filet the skin from his body, and then squirt lemon juice on him once I was done. To disembowel him slowly and make him eat his own organs. That, and I'd enjoy it. Once he was dead I'd go home and sleep like a baby. All this I packed into that look.

The kid backed away and left me the hell alone. I was pleased. I hadn't used that look in a long time, glad to know it still packs a punch.

That's all for now.


Blogger Papyrus said...

Another contributing factor to Bush's low ratings is his obsessive campaign for social security reform, which is quite unpopular with the American public. The Schiavo fiasco was such poor vision by Bush. He is pampering his so called base a little too much. So much for separation of church and state eh?

4:26 PM  
Blogger Matto the Hun said...

Mrs. The Hun and I were just talking the other day that you were one of those people we would never tangle with.
Because you could stomp anyone to a pulp.

Now your hubby on the other hand...

9:20 PM  

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