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Friday, June 03, 2005

Superpowers/ Anti-Powers

(Thanks, Torren, for bringing up this subject).

My husband has a theory and so far it has proven to be true. Everyone has a superpower. As the universe is made up of balances, everyone also has an anti-power. Now, these powers aren't as terrific as being able to fly, per say, but they can make one's life easier.

My superpower is making left turns. I can make a left turn anywhere, at any time, with virtually no waiting. It's amazing. Traffic seems to disappear like smoke when I turn on my left blinker. There have been times when those riding with me have gotten spooked. It's great. Then there's my anti-power. When I go out to eat, I will always be seated next to the screaming, braty child. In some cases, more than one. It never fails. Example: last night at Red Lobster a squealing little kid escaped his high-chair and made a bee-line straight for me. Three times. With dirty little hands.

My husband's superpower is being able to read people like a book within the first two minutes of meeting them. It's weird. He can sum up a person in seconds and completely be on the mark. Bad person, good person, honest person, liar, cheat - he pegs everyone correctly every time. He can gage their likes, dislikes, reactions, movements, and intelligence correctly for years to come. His anti-power is annoying as hell. No matter where he is, or what he's doing, whenever he has to get in a line it will be the slowest one. At the grocery store, in traffic, at the movies, you name it. Machinery will break down, someone has to write a check, an accident will occur, or any number of problems.

If we are together, we'll be in the slow line with screaming children surrounding us.

So there you have it. We all have these powers. I'd love to hear other's if you'd care to share.


Blogger xodiaq said...

Sadly, and I'm not joking, I almost scared the woman I married away forever by describing to her what she was wearing, down to the underwear and a necklace she had never told me about from over 800 miles away, and was 100% right. So right in fact, that she wouldn't talk to me for three days. (I asked her what she was wearing, she said "You tell me", so I did.)

However, now she has her revenge, as my Anti-power is the ability to be wrong about anything she asks me. If she asked me what my name was I could say "Rob" and she'd say, "No, you're Steve." and somehow I actually would be Steve. I don't get it but shes always right. I have a feeling the wedding ring has something to do with it...

10:47 AM  

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