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Friday, August 26, 2005

Whose freedom are we fighting for?

I'm sorry, but I'm sick and tired of people saying that soldiers are dying in Iraq for our freedom. If Iraq were to be blown off the face of the earth right now, would anything change in America? There would be a lot of widows, that's for sure, but would Martha Stewart cancel her TV show? Would malls close? Would schools? No, nothing in our country would change except our attitude.

So don't try to blow smoke up my ass about how these boys dying in Iraq are doing it for us. If you have to say something, say that the boys dying in Iraq are doing it because they have no choice. They belong to the Army. They are defending the Iraqis, whether the Iraqis want it or not. They are keeping our oil supplies guarded and helping a moronic president feel like he's really doing something, but they ARE NOT dying for our freedom. Our freedom is not tied up in the outcome of Iraq. It's not. Our oil is, but not our freedom. If Iraq goes down, no big wall of thick iron is going to clamp down on America and keep us all in. We will not be under house arrest. We will not have to have a passport to cross a state line. We will not be forced to work in camps and be led there in chains.

Oh, wait, I guess if oil prices keep going up then all you morons that drive around the city in your Hummers and SUVs will have to pay more for gas, meaning you'll have to curb your extra-curricular activities around how much money you spend, so yeah, in that way I guess your freedom is at stake. Damn, you'll have to eat at the Macaroni Grill and not Spago's. Yeah, that's really, really worth dying for, isn't it.


Blogger xodiaq said...

The only point I can disagree with you on is this... Yes, its Bush's fault, and if we left NOW it would affect us because we destabilized a country so badly that should we leave before they can and will defend themselves, any and all Islamifascists will flock there and build a country entirely dedicated to bringing us down, and then we'd have to go back in all over again, and after they had a stronger foothold. That situation didn't exist before Bush decided to invade, but it does now, and thats because of his actions.

11:01 AM  
Blogger Barbarian02003 said...

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3:43 PM  
Blogger Barbarian02003 said...

I agree with you, but, did I say we should pull out? No, leaving now would be bad, bad, bad for the Iraqies, and later, for us. The point I was trying to make is that we, in the US, do not have to put on flack jackets to go to the grocery store. We do not have to worry about being shot when we go check our mail. We are not living without electricity, water, food, or in some cases, shelter. Our homes are not being destroyed by bombs every day and our lives have not been turned upside down. Our relatives don't dissapear off the street never to return. We don't have foreign and home bred enemies controlling the streets.

We are not living like the Iraqies, so those who sit around bitching about "our freedom" - like it's been taken away from us - make me sick.

4:17 PM  
Blogger xodiaq said...

No, no, no... never said you said we should pull out! Simply saying that before the invasion we werent fighting in Iraq for OUR freedom, but because Bush screwed the pooch, NOW we are. This "war on terror" (i HATE amorphously named wars...) had so many more centers, as you've said here before, Saudi Arabia for one. The problems we feared from the Middle East, in the end, we GAVE them a center...

2:53 PM  
Blogger Barbarian02003 said...

Yeah, we're really good at that, huh, giving people reason's to hate us...

11:36 AM  

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