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Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Give Him Enough Rope...

More news from the "Too Big For His Britches" camp...Pat Robertson has taken his ties to the White House just a little too far. Seems he wants to have the Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez taken out by the US government because he doesn't like what Chavez has been saying about America. He also thinks he has the freedom to speak for the rest of us.

Robertson's comments state that Chavez is turning his oil-rich country into "a launching pad for communist infiltration and Muslim extremism all over the continent." Robertson thinks we should take him out in order to save ourselves a costly war trying to take over his country.

So many things are wrong with Robertson's thinking I hesitate to point them out. First of all, we, the USA, do not control the rest of the world. Do you hear me, Pat? WE DON'T CONTROL THE FUCKING WORLD. If the president of another country wants to run it as HE sees fit, your just going to have to put on your big boy pants and deal with it. Oh, and another thing, your God doesn't control them, either.

Second of all, I don't remember ol' Pat being elected to an office that makes decisions for the rest of us. Pat doesn't like the fact that Chavez stands up and criticizes the USA. He doesn't like the fact that Chavez has questioned our President and our country's motives. Chavez has told us, in no uncertain terms, to leave his country alone or he'll introduce our faces to our own asses. Gee, is anyone surprised that a Christian wants to kill someone who doesn't think, act, and talk like he does?

I don't agree with you, Pat, and I don't want the rest of the world thinking that I do.

But here is the real kicker. We, as the good 'ol US of A, have taken a very solid stand on terrorism. If I were to go on TV and say that I think we should kill Bush, I'd be in FBI custody in a matter of hours. Robertson has done no different than all these other terrorists who threaten to murder every other leader in the world. But what are we, the good 'ol US of A, going to do about it?

Venezuela is calling us on our own policies. What are we going to do about terrorist threats made by our own people on our own soil? The White House is wussing out and saying that Pat is a private citizen with a big mouth. I'm sorry, but I have to agree with the Venezuelans, that's not good enough. The Venezuelan ambassador to the US said it best. Pat is "no ordinary private citizen." He's been in Bush's pocket too long to be considered benign. What Pat said was a criminal statement, why is he not being treated like a criminal?

Hey, Bush, here's your chance to show us all how tough you are on terrorism. What are you going to do about Pat? Forget the fact that he ran a very successful and lucrative re-election campaign for you built around your faith. Forget the fact that he holds a very large majority of voters in his blessed little hands. Hey, you're not going up for re-election. You're going to have to be a president now and NOT a Christian. Do you think you can do it? Are you beginning to understand the importance of separation of Church and State? Do you think you can finally stand up and be the leader of this country FOR ONCE!

Here's what should happen: Pat should be publicly condemned. He should be criminally investigated, prosecuted, and have his reputation ruined. He should lose his job and a good chunk of his finances. He should be black-listed from the high society that gave him all of this power in the first place. He should be made to publicly apologize to Chavez and his country for being a bigot. Alone, broken, and broke, he should fade away into history as the guy who opened his big mouth a little too far.

We, as American's, should not make excuses for assholes who think they talk to Jesus. We, as American's, should recognize fighting words when we hear them. There is no difference between Osama Bin Laden saying he is going to kill Bush and Pat Robertson saying we need to kill Chavez. Freedom ain't free, bitches, and here is the price we have to pay. We must sacrifice one of our own on the alter of peace.

R.I.P. Pat Robertson.


Blogger xodiaq said...

No, he shouldn't have said it or insinuated it, should he be raped and pillaged? No worse than any other inciter of terrorism. Yes, ongoing investigation, seize his records, do what "we" would do to a suspected al qaida financier. Then we'll see how wide open that stupid yap gets.

1:26 PM  

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