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Location: St. Louis, MO

Friday, May 25, 2007

(Clap, clap) Bitch On!

I have something to say to the family of Josh Hancock. If you are not familiar with this story, Josh Hancock was a Cardinal baseball player. He got drunk at a local sports bar called Mike Shannon's. He poured his drunk ass into his SUV and then tried to take on a tow truck. He was killed instantly.

His family has decided that their poor little boy was a victim of circumstance. If the people at Mike Shannon's hadn't tied up their innocent son and poured three hours of constant alcohol down his throat he'd still be alive. Not only are they trying to sue the restaurant, it's employees, and the managers, now they want to sue the tow truck driver, his company, and the people who owned the car that broke down causing the tow truck to be in there in the first place.

Let's get some facts straight: no one forced Joshy to drink. He picked up his glass and poured that liquor down his own throat for three and a half hours. That was his choice. Then he decided he was sober enough to drive home DESPITE his friends suggesting he call a cab. That was his choice. It was also his choice to speed like a demon down a dark, crowded highway. It was his decision to not use his seat belt, to talk on a cell phone, and to swerve across two lanes of highway to avoid a slower car.

He slammed into the back of a parked (Hello? Parked!) tow truck and ended his own life. It isn't any one else's fault except his.

But oh no, his little Mommy and Daddy can't except that fact that their son was a dumbass. It's so much easier to believe an entire city conspired against their boy and viciously set him up to die.

This is what happens when you raise your children in a world where they can do no wrong. Parent's who excuse their children's behavior by blaming everyone else are just as much to blame for their offspring's dumbassery as the dumbass themselves. I'm sure Joshy was a spoiled brat who got away with everything. Mommy and Daddy probably tore his teacher's a new butthole when they dared to give Joshy a bad grade. I bet Joshy was a bully in school, and his parents blamed the other kids for being pussies when anyone complained about their son.

So, Mr. & Mrs. Hancock, it's time for you to pull your heads out of your asses. If you had been better parents your son might still be alive. Instead of teaching him how to blame everyone else for his own failures you should have been teaching him about responsibility and consequences of his own actions. Is "drinking & driving" a new concept to you? Why didn't you teach your son about the perils of alcohol and vehicles? The only reason your trying to sue everyone is because your meal ticket went bye-bye. This city is not responsible for your drunken dead son any more than they are the other drunken assholes that kill themselves every year. Your making a mockery of your family and those who were sympathetic to your plight now hope you shut-up and move away. The memory of your son is forever tarnished by your stupidity and selfishness. Hope your happy about that.

Now, why don't you have a few cocktails and go for a nice long drive.

(Clap, clap) Bitch off.


Blogger Matto the Hun said...

Someone should inform them that ultimately they have to blame themselves for having sex w/ each other which created their son. If they didn't do that he never would have gotten killed. Really, by their own logic, that is the only conclusion anyone could ultimately come to.

Seriously, along that vein; if i was riddiculously wealthy I'd like to counter with a law suit on behalf of the public, suing the parents for creating a person who endangered the public and himself by drinking and driving. There's no "real" merrit to the suit, but I'd do it simply to point out how stupid they are.

10:13 AM  

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