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Thursday, June 21, 2007

Family Values Start at Home

As the election year nears we will no doubt hear a bunch of shit about family values again. Well, I for one will not vote for anyone who sees family values as the biggest issue we have to face. Family values do not belong in politics, they belong at home. If you have a shitty kid it is your own fault. If you are a shitty family it is your own fault. Don't blame TV and the media, you're the parent.

High school teachers are getting beat-up, raped, and killed in their own schools. Why? Because parents send their kids to school to be disciplined because they are too damn lazy or too damn stupid to do it themselves. That, or they believe Junior is sooooo smart they back him up in everything. My mother would have kicked my ass if I'd ever smart-mouthed a teacher, these days parents act like the teachers deserve it.

Parents today are lazy. Plain and simple, they rely on everyone else to raise their kid and then sit back and wonder why Bobby is an asshole. If you don't want your kids watching violent TV, get rid of the thing. If you don't want them playing violent video games don't go out and buy them a X-box. If you don't want them hanging out with the wrong kids then PAY ATTENTION to who their friends are. You must become proactive in your children's lives, idiots.

The person who gets up there and says, "I'm going to fight for better health care, more money for education, and less money for stupid issues like gay marriage and abortion" is the person who's going to get my vote. Gay marriage and abortion have nothing to do with my life, I want a president who is going to make life better for ME.


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