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Location: St. Louis, MO

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

My New Project

I have been seized by a fit of creativity. Over the last two nights I have drawn two, count them TWO, custom pieces that I hope to create over the next few months. I'll put the drawings up as soon as I remember to scan them in.

The materials I will be using are wood and metal. I've ordered two pieces of wood, a Butternut and Basewood length, that should arrive today. Both these woods are soft and light in color. The metal I want to use is iron, but my design calls for tiny, thin pieces and I don't know if I can find iron in that shape. My second option would be brass. I need to carve out the wooden pieces before I dedicate much time to the metal part. I also need a soldering gun to complete it, hopefully Santa will bring one for me.

I'm looking forward to taking a chunk of wood and carving/sanding it down to my design. I haven't worked with wood since I made a duck decoy in high school (the "art" teacher was also the shop teacher and an avid duck hunter, so my art class consisted of making a duck decoy. Those with the best ducks got an A and the teacher took the ducks a'huntin). Hubby has a saw and I can get sandpaper anywhere.

I'll keep you posted.


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