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Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Bad Poetry

I am not a poet by any means. I don't understand most of what I read, and I've written very few poems. However, there is a person in my Literature class who inspired this little ditty, so I jotted it down. I was going to give it the title "Mr. Know-it-all", but that just didn't work. I really have nothing else to say today, so enjoy.

I Know Your Kind
I know your kind.

You sit there and spew clever banter,

Dropping pearls of humor like animals drop droppings.

You spider, how many make it out of your web?

How many carcasses dangle in the breeze,

Their clumbsy thumping music to your ears?

Oh, you're quick with the compliments and heavy on the compassion,
But your words manipulates in a mind-numbing fashion.

What can you do for me,

What can I use?

How far can I push you,

How much can I abuse?

I fell victim to one like you before.
It shames me.

But because I stood so close to the fire,

My cobwebs were burned away.

I've seen the show.

I know your kind.

Thank you, thank you. I hope your eyes didn't bleed. Stay away from serpents with smooth tongues.


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