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Location: St. Louis, MO

Monday, August 29, 2005

I Hate the Sun

Hubby and I rode 32 miles this weekend. It was really nice until we hit the hills, then I remembered what it was like to hyperventilate. We rode in Alton, a very pretty town in Illinois just across from the Missouri border. I like this trail, it's very pretty and close to water, but the thing I hate about it is there is no shade on most of the ride. None. Doesn't matter what time of day it is, no freaking shade.

And I hate the sun.

I'm not saying that in a flippant, "I hate Monday's" kind of way, I really, truly, honestly despise the sun. I try to avoid being in it at all costs. I'm am the whitest person most people know. I wear thick sunglasses at all times because the sun hurts my eyes. I hate driving in a car with it beating down on me, I hang pillowcases or jackets from the window just to get out of it. If there was one sickly, broken twig of a tree in the middle of the dessert, you'd find me huddled beneath it. If there was a way to destroy the sun WITHOUT disturbing the earth's crust, I'd do it. I hate the sun.

So we had to wait for a ferry yesterday to take us back to Missouri. There was no building or tree anywhere close that could offer shade. It's in the 90's, there is no wind, and not a damn cloud I the sky. I'm baking in my black bike pants. I can feel sweat sliding down my ass crack, not an altogether unpleasant experience, but the rest of my body is burning up. My eyes hurt because sweat is dripping into them. My camel-back and water bottle hold warm liquid because the sun is cooking them. My skin is burning, my body temperature is rising, I can feel myself losing breath. Everything is hot and there is no damn escape. I would have burst out in tears, but the resulting steam would have burned my face. Finally, the slow-poke of a ferry arrives and we start across the river. A breeze! It's short lived, though, as the last 5 miles of this ride are through corn fields. Yep, no damn shade. I hate the fucking sun.

I hate it! Why can't we ride at night when it's nice and dark and cool? Why do we have to traipse out in the beginning of the day so we're sure to have maximum exposure to the flaming ball in the sky? I don't want to be in it, and after this MS150, I'm riding at the end of the day so I can watch the sun set and imagine that it will never rise again. Death to the sun!


Blogger frangelico77 said...

I am so with you about the sun. My eyes hurt and I cannot even open them outside without sunglasses on. My skin feels like it is on fire when the sun hits it even for a short time and when i go back inside it still feels like it was on fire, slowing subsiding. I have to wear long shirts outside even on the hottest days.and i go though so many bottles of sunblock a year. I wish the days were shorter and the nights longer. I get tired planning my days trying to avoid being out when the sun is the strongest.

12:40 PM  
Blogger frangelico77 said...

I do conmend you on keeping up on the bike riding. Good job. Me, I could never do it cause no way to avoid the sun and would quit a few minutes in cause of the sun or have a sun stroke.

12:44 PM  

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