
Welcome to the random ramblings of a scattered mind.

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Location: St. Louis, MO

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Do you ever ask yourselves...

...how do I get myself in this situation? I had one of those moments today.

WARNING: Girls may find this amusing, Guys will find it gross. If you are a guy and don't want to read something gross, move on. If not, don't whine. You have been warned.

So I had the unexpected pleasure of starting my period at work today. Of'course, I found this out when I was in the bathroom that doesn't have any female needs stashed away. But I'm good, because I keep my own stash in my office for just such a reason. Yep, I'm smart. I make a bee-line for my office and reach all the way into the back of the drawer and grab a tampon. Now all I have to do is go to the bathroom on my floor across the lounge and I'll be fine.

But what to do with this thing? I don't have a purse, and I'm not going to carry a grocery bag into the bathroom. Today I'm not wearing anything with pockets. I'm not secure enough to just waltz to the bathroom with it in my hand. I finally get the ingenious idea to just stuff it down the front of my underware. My shirt is long enough to hide the small buldge. It's going in that general area to begin with, they might as well get aquainted.

I walk down my hallway and go through the lounge. The lounge is as quiet as a tomb, there is a group of engineering students cramming for something. I take a few steps.


Oh shit. Please don't tell me that's-

Crinkle, crinkle.

Oh God. You can hear the wrapper when I walk! Maybe if I hurry...

Crinkle, crinkle, crinkle, crinkle.

When did this lounge get longer? I snap, crackle, and pop my way to the bathroom without looking back and die.

I walked down two flights of stairs, outside, up two more flights of stairs, inside, and up another set of stairs to my office just to avoid walking back through the lounge. Having a period is bad enough without the sound effects.


Blogger Matto the Hun said...

HAHAHAHA! That was a riot!

7:51 PM  

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