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Location: St. Louis, MO

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

In My Vicious Opinion...

...this kid should die. I know he's only a teenager, but look at what he did. He took two people's lives, for NO reason, and then ran. He has a lengthy record and fought with police once he was captured. Just look at him, isn't he a waste of flesh? Let's face it, there are some people in this world who shouldn't have been born. They are useless to society and dangerous. Screw that rehabilitation crap, obviously this kid isn't getting it. Kill him and save some other family from the heartache of losing a loved one. These, too.

...the government is once again proving how stupid it is. I can't really say anything that hasn't already been said, so I'll say this - If I were surrounded by barbaric militants who wanted to do horrible things to my body before and after death, I don't care if those around me screw dead goats. As long as they help keep me alive I don't care. In fact, if a group of lesbians saved my life, I'd probably owe it to them to let them have their way with me.

Pleeeeee-aaaaase. Remember Tarrence Trend d'Arby? Remember him saying he was as good as God? Heard from him lately? That's what I thought.

What is wrong with you people? Honestly, how fucked in the head do you have to be to allow an 8 year old to take a gun to school. Why was the gun out in the first place? If you can't be a responsible parent, get sterilized NOW. There should be a sterilizing law, If you prove to be a dumbass, you can't reproduce. That would save the rest of us in this country a LOT of trouble.


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