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Location: St. Louis, MO

Thursday, January 12, 2006


Alright, I'm over the little pity party I had yesterday. My stress levels have dropped considerably and soon I might be fit for human contact again. I deal with stress by getting angry. It doesn't make any sense and I know it, but them's the breaks. I do my best to keep a lid on it, and trust, I have come a long way. No lawsuits will result from my actions this time...

My mom is leaving today to go back home. I'm glad. I am thankful that my sister and I have a mother who is dedicated enough to come to our aid when we are down. She cares about us and there is nothing that she won't do for us. A lot of mother's are non-existent or just don't give a shit. I know I am lucky, but sometimes she makes me so frustrated I want to throttle her.

My sister had a bad time yesterday with her procedure. She's much better now and higher than a kite on all the drugs they gave her. By next week she should be good as new. She's doing well, last night we talked and laughed on the phone.

Today and tomorrow are the last two days of my busy season. Monday is a holiday. I plan on partying this weekend just because I can. As a bonus, I get free lunch on Tuesday. The hotel where I put all our interviewees is treating me. Yee-haw! Things are looking up.

Blessed be, everyone, and have a good day.


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