
Welcome to the random ramblings of a scattered mind.

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Location: St. Louis, MO

Wednesday, January 11, 2006


How many things can go wrong today? I started off my morning with a prick in an Escalade cutting me off for no reason. Did you like the van that was in front of me so much you just had to crawl up it's ass? My retaliation road rage was very satisfying, but it did seem to set the tone for the rest of my day.

My Search candidate got lost this morning. He's 6'4", how could a hotel lose him. They insisted that he wasn't a guest. I made the reservation myself and he was there yesterday, what did you do with him overnight? A very rude desk clerk got the rough side of my tongue. What do you know, he managed to re-appear right before her very eyes. I hate looking like a dumb-ass, especially when I'm not there.

The restaurant that was supposed to deliver lunch today called and their van broke down, can I come get the food? Oh sure, let me just create an extra 30 minutes of time. My day is planned down to the very minute, this kind of unseen problem can ruin a whole day. Not to mention another instance of road rage is just laying around waiting to happen.

But I will survive.

I'm not sure about my mom, though. I talked to her this morning and she sounds like shit. I told her not to come to town. It's ridiculous for a sick old lady to drive seven hours just to drive a kid to school when a perfectly good relative lives six fucking blocks away. But hey, what do I know. She'll go home, get even sicker, have to pay more doctors for more medication, miss out on more work (thus, more pay), and generally screw herself two ways from Sunday.

Just another day...


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