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Location: St. Louis, MO

Monday, July 10, 2006

Back from the Voyage

Miss me?

My vacation was fun. I got to relax and give myself a massive sunburn on my back and shoulders. I'm peeling as I type. I enjoyed Branson, MO. I haven't been there in 24 years. It's changed a bit. Alissa and I mesh really, really well. It's so obvious why we are best friends. I loved being able to spend so much time with her.

The trip would have been perfect if my best friend's boyfriend, M, had not been there. M is a nice guy, don't get me wrong, but he's the A-typical party boy. Party boys are fun to have around when there is a party. They laugh, they goof around, they make asses of themselves for the entertainment of others. However, when a party is not happening they are selfish, greedy, immature, and lazy. This is why most women will screw a party boy senseless and then move on. Party boys are not the type of men one chooses to settle down and have a family with. Why? Because party boys don't do settle down and raise a family, they PARTY!

My husband had to leave early in order to work, thus I had to leave early. Yeah, I know, it was supposed to be our VACATION. I was really sorry to leave Alissa, our little cabin, and the great view of the lake. However, neither of us were sorry to leave M. Every morning he was pissed about something. He never cleaned or cooked or even tried to help with the cleaning and cooking. He couldn't even make his own drink. Nope, all M wanted to do was party, party, party, party, and party. Why Alissa stays with him we'll never know. We had hoped that spending some time with him would help us make sense of why they're together. Now we're even more confused. As far as we are concerned he has no redeeming qualities.

We did manage to see Pirates of the Caribbean II - SPOILER! If you don't want to know anything about this movies, skip this paragraph. Okay, what did I think about the movie? I was P-I-S-S-E-D! If I wanted to spend 2+ hours watching a build-up for the third movie I would have waited for it to come out on HBO. Nothing was solved, nothing! Davey Jones wasn't vanquished, his ship wasn't destroyed, his heart is now in the hands of a bad guy, Will didn't get revenge for his father, we don't know what happened to Elizabeth's father, Will saw Lizzy kissing Jack and doesn't know why, Lizzy is in a tizzy about killing Jack, (is he REALLy dead? Don't know), they didn't get married, and now they bring what's his name back from the first movie. Nothing was solved. I hate movies that cut themselves off in the middle. They could have given us one, ONE ending and I would have been happy. As for the movie itself it was less humorous and fun than the first. They should have made this movie a sequel and been done with it. Why is it Hollywood has to make 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 movies of the same damn thing? Damn Lucas and his Star Wars. (Although, at least in Star Wars we had endings - Guy gets the girl, bad guy gets killed, so on. You could have taken a lesson from Lucas, jackass.)

So we got our boy back and he is a changed dog. Yesterday he slept almost allllll day. He's a boxer, boxers don't do that. He's been more subdued and calm than we've ever seen him. I'm hoping he is just tired from one week of constant rough-housing with two other dogs. I want my jumpy, curious, and frenzied dog back.

We have had a rash of robberies here at work. It appears a thief has found himself a master key and is robbing us blind at night. There isn't anything in my office worth stealing, but a lot of student's laptops and cell phones are gone. I hate thieves. If I happen to catch one I'm stringing him up by his ankles off the roof. Then I'm cutting into the rope. If he moves too much he'll snap it and fall to his death. Yeah, that'd be a good thing.


Blogger Matto the Hun said...

Gee, I mean, you guys were in a cabin by a lake, it seems to me the kind of situation where a person can get "voted off" of something of that nature... but maybe you really need an island for that.

I liked Pirates. Thats all i really have to say about it. Though I do wish we had the first one on DVD so we could have watched it before hand. Its been a long time since the first one, and I forgot about the commodore dude and some of the things that happend previously.

So did Beuwoof go with you guys and there were two other dogs there or was someone with 2 dogs do-sitting him? Either way, I'm sure he's just pooped.

10:42 PM  
Blogger Barbarian02003 said...

We left him with Hubby's cousin and his two dogs. I'm glad to report that when I got home yesterday Beo was back to him old self. We're going to start leaving him out of his cage at night. By the end of the year we hope to get rid of the cage period.

10:28 AM  
Blogger Matto the Hun said...

ahh... so he'll break his rusty cage... and run!

9:37 PM  
Blogger Barbarian02003 said...

Can he! We have met many other boxers and Beo is smaller than all of them. However, I bet he could leave them all in the dust. He is just so freaking FAST. I'd love to take him to a track and put him up against a greyhound. Maybe he could start earing his keep.

10:01 AM  

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