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Friday, June 16, 2006

Help Me Please

I took a trip through the blog universe today and I have one question. When did grammar become optional in writing? There are a whole slew of things that I saw today.

Using lower case "i" all the time.
No punctuation.
Horrible spelling!
Using number and single letters in place of the proper words, (i.e., 2 , u, r, 1).
I doN't eVen unDerStanD tHis Shit. WhO caN reAd This anD UnDeStAnD It? I caN't.
Like, please stop using, like, um's and stuff, y'know.

People who find it necessary to deviate from proper grammar usually do it in hopes that they will distract the reader from the fact that the author has NOTHING TO SAY!

I can't speak for everyone, but when I see writing like this I envision some pimply-faced high school loser who sits at home all day because they have no real friends. Said person can't think for themselves and have never had an original thought in their lives. People like this usually end up working low-wage jobs because they don't posses the intelligence to get anything better. They will grow up to smoke dope and play beer-pong professionally. These people are more interested in seeking approval from others than walking their own paths.

Education is a gift, people. Knowledge is power. If you write like a retarded dumbass, that's how people are going to see you. And treat you. And always remember you. If any of the bloggers I saw today were to ask me for a job I'd laugh in their face. Being original doesn't mean coming off like a moron. Arg, bad English always gets my hackles up.

No wonder English teachers all over America are demanding higher pay. If I had to read one, ONE paper written with these errors I'd put a gun to my head.


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