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Location: St. Louis, MO

Friday, August 18, 2006

Zoo Much Fun

This is the perfect example of what is wrong with society today.

People, wild animals are just that, WILD ANIMALS. Just because we trap them, ship them, and set them up in a zoo does not mean they are domesticated animals just hoping to entertain you and your kiddies. They are not going to deny thousands of years of instinct just because you might find it offensive. In fact, they could give a shit that you are there. Maybe the monkeys enjoy your company, but the rest do not. They don't even want to be there, I'm betting.

So don't get all riled up when wild animals act like wild animals, okay? Killing each other is something wild animals do. They don't follow the clock, either, they'll kill one of their own any damn time they please. It is not the zoo's responsibility to shield your children from the horror of a pecking order. In fact, if you don't want your child seeing animals act as animals why are you taking them to the zoo in the first place? If you want nice, trained animals, go to the circus.

These people were shocked, SHOCKED that a group of goats would attack one of their own. Why? Because we foolishly believe that if we give an animal a nice home, feed it, water it, and clean up it's poop, that said animal will do what we want it to, and that includes acting all nicy nice for the viewing public. We have convinced ourselves that since we have thumbs all other species will bow down to us. We think we can control them. And seeing as we don't go around actively killing the weak in our society (which I am all for, by the way) we can not fathom the animal mentality.

When we are proved wrong, we have no other recourse than to act shocked. What? What! Animals are animals? Oh no, who would have thought it. I'd like to point out that the parents could have taken this little girl away from the carnage at any time. But nooooo, they chose to stand there and watch the brutality. Who's to blame for that?

I think that little girl did learn a valuable lesson - If you can't take reality, stay home.


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