
Welcome to the random ramblings of a scattered mind.

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Location: St. Louis, MO

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Aaaaaah, Godzirra!

If I could have any job in the world I think I would want to make miniatures and models. I'd love to work for the WETA Workshop. They did most of the creatures and sets for the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy. They also did "The Chronicles of Marina." I could make clay models or build miniatures for hours on end. The more detailed the better. I just love that stuff. Plus the company looks like such a great place to work. It seemed casual and laid back, yet the desire to push the envelope and be the best are a driving force. Everyone there seems to be dedicated and loyal.

I'm going to buy a butt-load of clay and start working on my own creations. The first few will probably be elementary and rough, but I'll get better. I have the visions of my museum to motivate me.

I am almost finished with what I like to call "that damn necklace." I made a terrible counting goof today halfway through putting it together. I had to take the whole thing apart. I've put it away for now before I stomp it into tiny, tiny peaces. I'll try again later when I have more control of my patience.

My dad came into town for the weekend. It was nice seeing him. My mom stayed home. Tomorrow is his birthday. I gave him the last book in a series about Conan the Barbarian. When I was a little girl my dad would read the comic books faithfully. He would keep them in the bathroom. I would sit there and pour over those stories time and time again. I memorized each story, every frame. My dad thought Conan was the coolest, therefore I did to. He thought being a barbarian, a warrior, was the most noble profession in the world. When I grew up I wanted to be a Barbarian. AH-HA! Now you know where my name comes from. I'm kind of sad to run out of the Conan books, my dad is hard to shop for and I milked that through Christmas and his b-day.

Good day.


Blogger The Grunt said...

This is cool to find out the origin of your blogger handle, Barbarian. I was a big fan of the Conan films. I never had a comic book of Conan to read, but I would have loved it. My brother did have a comic book of Thor, and we named one of our dogs after that Norse god.

3:46 AM  
Blogger Matto the Hun said...

Your dad read Conan comics (on the can?)... that's just awesome.

9:42 AM  
Blogger Barbarian02003 said...

Once the Sunday comics went in there we wouldn't see him for hours!

9:59 AM  

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