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Wednesday, March 07, 2007

A Time For Reflection

I've come to the stark realization that I am a lot stronger than other people. Being this strong also makes me hard. I'm like a block of marble, only time will wear me down. Time has taken the sharp edge off my corners, but I've come to realize a lot of the original rock still stands.

What I'm having a hard time deciding is if I want to be anything but a lump of hard stone. Why should I? Do you know how hard it is to hurt marble? Try kicking a slab and see what happens. I've always been a slab of marble striving to be a soapstone, but now I question why? Soapstone gets dinged and dented by everything it touches. It looks scarred and lumpy at the end of it's life. Who needs that?

Soapstone can be found anywhere. We're surrounded by soapstones. But marble, that's a bit more rare. It's expensive to own, you have to be willing to take care of it. You know if you build with it your structure will be sound. Impenetrable, if you will. If you trust your marble to hold steady it will last for generations.

But marble is also unforgiving. It doesn't bend. It does, in fact, not give a shit. Unless you blast it with explosives it isn't going to budge. But put a good sized crack in marble and it will never be the same. Well, everything has it pros and cons.

Do I continue with my soapstone dreams, or do I finally accept I am a block of marble? I need to think on this, therefore I will probably be absent for a while. I'm rolling into my corner to reflect and regroup.


Blogger Matto the Hun said...

Wow. That's heavy... and not just because you are marble.

So I am curious, what led you to realize you were a hell of a lot stronger than other people? Not that I doubt it, but clearly it sure sounds like you have given this a lot of thought.

So what let to this moment of reflection that prompted you to post this blog entry.

A thought on you and marble:

1) I think you (and all people in general) are more complicated as a person than to say I'm marble, you're soapstone, you're graphite, or whatever.

Any way I imagine you don't intend to overly gerneralize yourself in your self analysis. I just would hate for you to pigeon hole yourself by saying you can only be one thing or another.

Just something to float out there.

12:57 PM  
Blogger Barbarian02003 said...

Please send me your current email address at barbarian0200atYahoo.com.

Thanks, babe.

9:33 AM  

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