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Location: St. Louis, MO

Friday, March 02, 2007

I'm All For It!

There is an initiative to give sex offenders bright green license plate holders so we, the public, will be able to tell they are sex offenders.

Why the hell should we give unanimity to those who prey on children sexually? I think we should tattoo "SEX OFFENDER" on their foreheads. We could give murderers red, rapists pink, and politicians shit brown. Then we would all know what kind of scumbag we're dealing with.

I think our society has gotten a bit too engrossed in hurting other's feelings. Oh, we can't single anyone out, it might make them feel bad. Um....SO! How offended did you think the children he molested felt? How about the parents of those children, think their feelings got hurt? We're such a hypocritical, ignorant society.

You do something bad, you pay for it. I don't care if your feelings are shot in the head execution style, you break the law, you give up your right to bitch about your feelings. Am I alone here?


Blogger Matto the Hun said...

I don't think it has to do with feelings at all.

Giving someone a "Scarlet Letter" for the rest of their lives IS backward, hypocritical and ignorant.

If sex offenders need to be imprisoned longer fine, I'm not sure what the usual sentence is; it may be that imprisoning that they should be inprisoned longer.

But AFTER someone gets out of prison, they've served their sentence. If you think they haven't been punished enough, keep them in longer.

Then we get into WHAT makes someone a sex offender. This is something that has not been defined at all well in some of states.

Right now in the knuckle-dragging, backwards biggoted state of GA a kid is in prison on a felony charge for statutory rape and a lifetime listing as a sex offender. He had consetual oral sex from a 15yr girl when he was 17. Yeah, it's not a good thing... at all.... BUT that is not rape. And while this caused a change in the law to change something like this from a felony to a misdemeanor, the law was NOT retro active and the kid STILL has a felony charge and listed as a sex offender.

And by the way, how much you want to bet that a white kid who was 17 and had coonsentual oral sex with a 15yr girl, would have a felony charge and listed as a sex offender.

How can we brand someone for a crime when our definitons of these crimes are so UNdefinted that it invites irrational, and ridiculous interpitations on that crime? Or when in some places the crime is harsher on one group of people of another group.

Other people have been marked in history... how about the Jews in Hitler's Germany?

Yes that IS a FAR cry from branding sex offenders, the point is this. If you open that door for one group (even one as despicable as sex offenders... the real ones) you open the door for ANYONE.

Sure today sex offenders, maybe that sounds reasonable, and then someone will want to mark gay people. After that we better mark friends of gay people. Hey weren't those 911 hijackers Muslims? Lets start marking them.

It woulnd't happen overnight of course. It might not even happen for 10 or 20 years. But it WILL come about.

I know you aren't the kind of person who would even dream of doing that to gays, Muslims, etc. But there are people who generate hateful rhetoic against these groups and would throw them in the same pot as sex offenders. Hell they already do with gay people.

And if they force sex offenders, those voices of intolerance will take that and put it on ANYONE they don't like. Like you and me.

If you were Undisputed Queen of the World (or if i was... but not queen), I'm sure marking sex offenders would be fine and bad people would get what they deserve.

But look at the "Leader of the Freeworld" and the extreme right wing cabal we are unfortunately saddled with now. You want to give people like that the power to labe poeple for life?

Well my typey fingers are hurting and i just finished one of those liquid crack energy drinks so my hands are shaking like... something... that shakes a lot. So I'm gonna stop now.

Luv ya lady!

11:01 AM  
Blogger Issy said...

I agree with you Barbarian. Matto has some really strong points as well. BUT. . .if we instill a longer sentance on sex offenders then who pays for it? They don't but we the taxpayers do. I'm sorry but I think the license idea is fabulous! Plus, there are still alot of sex offenders out there that are marked and have been for decades. Going online and finding out who is your neighbor is important information to me. Sex offenders have strict guidlines that they have to follow. First they have to register, then they have to stay away from schools and can't be in the vicinity of a school within a certain radius. Me being a parent I would want to know that and where they are lurking.

Sex offenders have a sickness same as murderers do. The only difference is that murderers take a life and sex offenders don't physically delete someone. They do however take away not only the victims self worth but their identity which is something that is extremely hard to get back.

We as a society don't need to worry about "marking" gays, muslims, blacks or any other discriminatory issues. We do that on our own. Walking through a certain neighborhood that is not predominantly "black" or going to a gay rally when your straight calls for ridicule in society. However being a certain race is not a crime. Taking advantage of another human being, no matter how severe it is, is AGAINST THE LAW. Serving your sentance is not the issue I believe. Especially when the victim has to deal with the reprocusions for the rest of their life.

Sorry for the awful spelling!

2:15 PM  
Blogger Barbarian02003 said...

You both have valid arguments.

There are simply too many sexual offenders who get away with it time and time again to worry about the few who get raw deals in the courts. Each case if different. But if a man with a life-long history of molesting children moved into my neighborhood how would I know it? With no badge of shame he could do anything he wanted. If children started disappearing in my neighborhood who would I investigate first? If you have been found guilty and convicted of a sex crime you've earned your badge of shame. If, like the boy you described, you got a raw deal, tell your neighbors about it. Fight it.

This is not a safe society anymore. About 250 children are molested or murdered a DAY in this country. To save half of those from a grim fate I would hurt the precious feelings of a few sex offenders. It is up to us to protect our children. It is up to us to police our society.

Unfortunately, we can't count on the police or our courts to do this. Money talks. Jails are overcrowded, they don't want to throw sex offenders in jail because the other prisoners will kill them. Uncle Roger diddling his nephews isn't considered a violent criminal. He's given a slap in the face and set to go free.

I'm sorry, Matto, but if you are going to have sex with someone under 18 you should know you could be labeled a sex offender for life. Maybe that will keep it in your pants. All in all, I can't imagine horny teenagers make up a large percent of sex offenders.

There is no solution to any crime in this world that will please everyone.

2:48 PM  
Blogger DarthImmortal said...

I have to disagree with you because our criminal justice system is too unreliable to put a permanent brand on somebody. We have too many people exonerated because of DNA evidence today as a case study to prove this is a bad idea. I agree that prosecutors would abuse this and start branding 17 year old for having sex with 15 year olds and similar situation like that.
I also do not agree with punishing somebody for life for crimes other than murder.

2:58 PM  

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