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Thursday, June 07, 2007

Time to Wake Up

Have you heard about this? Therapists all over the world are upset about something that took place on "The Sopranos." Apparently the husband of Tony's therapist revealed his identity at a dinner party. This has caused a huge hissy-fit with real therapists and their patients.

All I have to say is this - IT'S A FUCKING TV SHOW! It isn't real. Pull your heads out of your self-absorbed asses. It's Hollywood, that has nothing to do with reality. I guess the fact that Tony has killed 837 people on this show doesn't faze anyone, but have a shrink reveal a name and the whole profession has a heart attack.

C'mon, people! Okay, for those of you out there who still don't get it, let me explain. See, when a man or a group of people come up with an idea they generally write a script first. Then they look at hundreds of actors and choose the ones that will play the fictitious characters. Those actors get paid to read the words on the script and make them seem real. They stand in front of a camera, say the lines, and then walk off set. Editors take the footage shot and cut it into a story that is then put on air for the audience, i.e. the public, to watch it. If they like it they will watch it again, if not, the show gets canceled and they have to start all over.

End. Of. Story.

It has absolutely nothing to do with anyone in the real world. Characters who resemble people you know (or yourself) is purely coincidental. No one is out to get you, copy you, steal your life, or reveal your secrets. What happens on a fictitious show does not happen in real life. To anyone. No matter how much they say otherwise. TV shows are here for our entertainment, m'kay? They are not blueprints of real life, they are parodies.

Get it straight and go about you daily life, morons.


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