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Location: St. Louis, MO

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Um, No, We Are NOT #1

Another survey has come out and surprise, surprise, America is not even in the top ten. This survey is about the best places to live. Actually, I'm surprised America even made it into the top 20.

Let's face it, folks, this country is not what it used to be. We suck in every way imaginable. Those of you who feel we're doing just fine and we're the greatest country in the world and no one can be better than us, well.....it's people like you who have let this country fall in the first place.

We don't have national health care even though it would greatly benefit the majority of this country. Our school systems are a joke, other countries laugh about how poorly our children are educated. Yeah, that's right, we're a joke. And not just in education. We have the most people in prison. Our justice system is on a pay scale. If you're rich, you don't pay. If you're poor, you're screwed. Our troops are thinned out across the globe, if someone were to launch a large-scale attack on America who would be here to defend us?

You know what, we may be #1 in having a corrupt-ass government.

We, as a people, are lazy. We bitch about the things going on in our country but we don't do a damn thing about it. It's OUR lives and we're letting a bunch of power-hungry, narcissistic retards run it. But as long as Brittany Spears stays on the news we're lulled into a false sense of well-being.

Face it, guys, America is crap. Yeah, there are a lot of good things about this country, I'm not saying we're all bad, but how long are those good things going to last? We're on a downward spiral and unless we, the people, do something to stop it we're going to lose everything.

I'm moving to Iceland.


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