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Location: St. Louis, MO

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Loud People

Why do people have to be loud? What is it with people (and I'm talking to you, females) having to yell or holler in order to express themselves? Why can't they just smile or say what they have to say without the ear-splitting screaming? And why, Ladies, do we have to talk louder when we are in a group? If we took turns we could all communicate and still save the ear drums, no?

I've been busy lately. Derby - its getting into it's thickest part of the season. This weekend I am driving to Indy, IN, to watch our travel team mop the floor with the Indy girls roller team. We just came off a narrow loss against Kansas City (80 - 89). They were ranked #1 two years ago, I think they are #7 now. We were down by 30 points at one time but rallied back to teach those KC girls the ARRG troupe ain't nothing to mess with.

My team, the St. Lunachix, take on the Columbia, MO (CoMo) girls April 4. What does that mean? We've been practicing our asses off, that's what that means! I have blisters, bruises, sore muscles, and achy joints. But I love each and every one of them.

The husband finally pulled his head out of his World of War-ass. Things have been going very well. We are going on a date, a REAL date, March 27th. Dressing up and everything. He doesn't know where we're going but I bought tickets today. He'll love, don't you worry about that.

We're trying to adopt a baby. The St. Louis Boxer Rescue is tough in their applications, boy. I think we could get into the FBI easier than adopt an adorable pup named Kilo. We're waiting to set up a home visit. Youl know my patience wears thin, I'm getting tired of the call-us-oh-we'll-call-you crap. Gimme my dog!!!!

Ta, y'all.


Blogger Matto the Hun said...

Is this the same rescue group that you got Beo from? I'm sure everything will go well for you guys, especially since you are already taking good care of a dog.

Make sure you tell us all about Kilo if you get him/her.

9:38 AM  

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