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Location: St. Louis, MO

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Oh, You Poor Little Babies

I overheard a conversation yesterday that was really unbelievable. I was headed to the cafeteria for lunch when I heard two students talking about smoking. I'll spare you the details and just skip to the end.
"Soon enough, we'll only be able to smoke in our house or car."

All I can say is, "GOD, I HOPE SO!"

I have heard enough smokers whining and bitching about their rights being trampled. How dare you talk about people's rights when you, the smoker, trample my right to breath clean, fresh air everyday. Cigarette smoke makes my eyes water, my throat itch, and my stomach nauseous. That's just the way it is. It's an involuntary response. I have paid for meals that I could not eat because some asshole can't understand he's sitting in a NON-smoking section. I have had to bail out on girls night so I can go puke in the parking lot. I deal with cigarette smoke everyday and I hate it.

I come to work, get out of my car, and pass through a haze of cigarette smoke on my way to my building. Why? Because the construction workers are taking their break in the garage, sitting on the tails of their pick-up trucks puffing away. On any given day my office will fill with the putrid smell because the students in this building are too stupid or too lazy to walk to the other side of the building to smoke. Instead, they stand right by the air intake on our ventilation systems. Thus, their smoke gets sucked into the fans and distributed around the building. It doesn't happen every day, but often enough to really piss me off.

If I take a walk to anywhere on campus I will pass through an average of four clouds of cigarette smoke...sometimes there isn't even anyone around! Yeah, that's right, smoke doesn't just disappear into the air and go away, it travels. At the end of the day it's back through the garage. Now that the weather is nice, I like to roll down my car windows. I can't tell you how many times the asshole in front of me blows his smoke out his window and directly into mine. I'm sitting in my own damn car, people, and smoke is coming into it. I have to roll up my windows just to drive home. And your rights are being trampled?

I don't go to clubs or bars because Missouri refuses to institute an anti-smoking law. It's bad enough that I have to sit in a restaurant with smoke filtering through. (Why, oh why, can't you people figure out that plants and furniture do not keep non-smoking separated from smoking. You need a wall and one hell of a filtration system.) I can't go anywhere, and I mean ANYWHERE without having smoke in my face. Public parks, nature preserves, amusement parks, concerts, trade-shows, auctions, water parks, grocery stores, malls, you name it. I am constantly surrounded by smokers and I can not escape the smoke unless I go home and isolate myself.

It's about damn time you smokers feel what it's like to be me. I hope you have to stay in your home with your door and windows closed. I hope you have to roll your windows up in your car. I hope you have to stay away from public places for fear of retribution if you light up. I want you to become as much of a prisoner as I am. My freedom of clean air has been taken away from me. Your freedom of ruining it should be taken away from you.

(Note: There is only one person in this world whose smoke doesn't bother me, and he lives in Savannah, GA. Maybe it's because he doesn't smoke those heinous Marlboro.)


Blogger Matto the Hun said...

We have the same problem. Smoke makes Mrs. The Hun extremely sick. She's alergic to it. Last time we went out, we met some friends at a pub. Inside was horrible outside was better, but still not so great.

We were there two hours (it was 11pm) or so when we decided we were going to go to a different bar, but Mrs. The Hun was feeling so bad we had to go home early. If it were not for the smoke we could have stayed out a lot longer.

The next day she was out of commision the entire day. It blows.

GA has an anti-smoking bill. It was ammended that it would not apply to bars. I'm not sure if that includes pubs or if pubs are counted as restaraunts.

There were people boo-hooing "Smokers support Atlanta's restaraunt/bar/nightlife industry, if they pass this we won't go out and everything will shut down."

Yeah, right you moronic fuck. Like you really won't go out to dine or drink just because you can't smoke. Bull.

Look at any state/city that has passed these bans. There is a slight dip while and before long, it's back to business as usually. It does not hurt business. Period.

Never mind the second hand, cancer causing smoke that hurts the non smoker.

11:48 PM  
Blogger Barbarian02003 said...

Amen, brother. I went to CA and it was AWESOME. I didn't have to take a shower when I got back to the house, I didn't have to retch and cough and brush my teeth immediately. It was great.

10:05 AM  

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