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Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Legal Papers and a Mother's Love

We all know what it's like to feel like a fool in front of our family. Whether it's over something stupid, like who was going to win that Patriots-Chiefs game, or something more serious, like not liking your sister's boyfriend and then finding out he's the best thing for her. Whatever the reason, we've all come crawling back to the home base with a boot up our butts or a plate full of hot, steaming crow waiting for us.

Now let me tell you a little story about Max, his mother, his kid, his ex-wife, and his current girlfriend. Max is in the middle of a court case with his ex-wife over their daughter. Mommy is taking the side of the ex-wife. Max doesn't like that. So Max and the current girlfriend decided to make life really hard for his mom by getting a restraining order against her.

He figured if she couldn't come within 300 feet of him, she couldn't testify in court.

So this ignoramus goes to court, with the urging of his current, to explain why his mother is such a dangerous person. The judge takes one look at the evidence and throws the case out, giving Max a tongue lashing to end all tongue lashings. Unbenownst to Max, appearing like an asshole in one court can effect your outcome in another. Now he has no chance of winning his case against the ex-wife.

Max's life is only getting worse. Current is about to dump him, she's his boss so he'll also lose his job, he'll be slapped with child support payments, and being the sniffling weasel he is (totally incapable of doing anything for himself except making excuses), he'll try to run home to mommy.
There's the rub. If he even tries it, he'll get a swift kick square in the balls. Burned your bridges, Max. Deal with it.


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