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Friday, January 06, 2006

Writeus Nomoreus!

I love Harry Potter. I jumped on the bandwagon a bit late, but I caught up quickly. I love the books and also the films. He's such a lovable character and the world he lives in is a creative and imaginative one. I love him!

I hate J.K. Rowling.

That bitch has everything she could ever want (i.e., no real job, plenty of free time, lots and lots of money). What takes her so damn long to write a freaking book? Oh, after she became famous I guess she was too busy having tea with the Queen and traveling all over the world to sit down and DO HER JOB!

I am a writer. If I am lucky enough to get a multi-book deal with a publisher and a public who loves my writing, I will not be conceited enough to make those fans wait YEARS between each book. What a lazy bitch. I read recently that she hasn't even started the last book. Why? What the hell does she have to do but write? Don't say she's a busy mommy, that tramp has a nanny. It's a vicious mean thing to do to make your fans wait so damn long for no reason. A lot of people would kill to have what she has. The fact that she throws it in everyone's faces is just a sign of how greedy and self-centered she is.

Then she tries to stick to her "Oh, I'm just a poor mother" crap. Bullshit, your a rich bitch now, get to fucking work!

It is the worst form of conceit to expect her fans to stick around when she is so lackadaisical in her writing. She knows that she will sell a book no matter how long it takes to write it and that is despicable to me. If you have a job, do it. No excuses, no procrastination. Once one is done, move on to the next. Don't take a two year vacation and then moan about how "hard" you're working.

I hate to see the end of Harry, but I will be glad to get rid of J.K.

If, no, when I begin to publish my books and if, no when, I get a huge following of fans I will never make them wait for my work. Look at Nora Roberts, she is one of the most popular American writers, also a mother, who churns out five books a year. Did Stephen King slack off in the height of his popularity? Even Jack Kerouac managed to publish a plenty and he was traveling all over the place.



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