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Location: St. Louis, MO

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Police Brutality

Yesterday morning the citizens of St. Louis were treated to an on-air police chase through it's northern parts. For those of you unfamiliar with the northern parts of St. Louis, let me say this: poor, crime-laden, abandoned, with a lot of crack houses to fill in the empty spaces.

So this guy in a van decided to run from police and the Channel 2 news copter caught the whole thing. Including the four police officers beating the shit out of the driver once he fled on foot. Now, all these people (racist) are crying about how this poor guy (criminal) was beaten by police for no reason whatsoever (nearly ran over school children). Awwwwwww.

If you willingly run from the police, you forfeit your right to not get the shit kicked out of you. If you put the lives of other people in jeopardy because your too stoned/stupid/conceited to pull over and deal with the consequences of your actions, then you get a baton/foot/pepper spray to the face, okay?

So these cops are on suspended leave until an investigation is completed. I don't think the cops did anything wrong. I saw the footage, the guy tried to ram them repeatedly with the van and put a lot of innocent bystanders in danger. I get riled up if someone just cuts me off in traffic. I can't imagine the smack-down I'd initiate if someone rammed me.

GO COPS! Stop the bad guys and give them a bloody head. Perhaps knowing that you'll lose a few teeth if you steal a car will deter the theft from happening.


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