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Thursday, January 26, 2006

Saturday Night's the Night

Yee-haw, girls night out. My best friend and I have a whole house to ourselves this Sat. night. Her man's going to be spending a night out with the boys. So I'm going over there to revert to the youth I never had by drinking, talking, eating, and watching horror movie after horror movie. I am so looking forward to this. Women don't spend enough time goofing off as they should.

Y'know, all that baby-raising.

I'm reading Sense and Sensibility for my class and I have to ask how much longer this book is going to remain a classic? In Jane Austen's time just saying the word "Love" in the company of a man who was not married would ruin her reputation. She'd be labeled a whore and shipped off to poor relatives. Today we jump in bed with strangers. How can women of today relate to pandering for a rich husband? I mean, yeah, we have panderers today, but back then it was the ONLY thing a woman had to do. They had no jobs, no rights, no laws, and little education. Getting a good husband was all they had to look forward to. That just isn't the way it works today.

And the story is so frivolous! "Who am I going to marry, does he like me? He doesn't like me! Whaaaaaaaaaaa - oh wait, here's another man, maybe he'll marry me. Oh, he likes my sister, whaaaaaaaaaa." At least it's written well, not like some of the other crap that came out of the 1770's. I just don't understand the appeal. Maybe it's because somebody makes a movie out of it every two years.

Wuthering Heights is next, like that's any better....I tried reading it once but I couldn't understand a damn thing. I guess the early writers were afraid of punctuation.


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