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Location: St. Louis, MO

Monday, March 27, 2006

So Darn Cute!

This weekend we gave Beo a bath. He has a special shampoo we have to use for a month or so to get rid of any leftover mites that may be holding on. Hubby put on a pair of shorts and lured Beo into the bathtub. Well, he lured him to the edge, then had to pick him up and put him in because Beo is a bit of a wus when it comes to the unknown. So anyway, he fills the tub and shampoos him head to toe. Beo isn't thrilled but he's not complaining, either. Then hubby turned on the shower.

OH JOY! Beo started dancing about and lifting his big head to lick at the water. He loved it, so much so that the next shampoo didn't dampen his spirits. Where's the water from the sky? Where's the water from the sky? There it is! Oh boy oh boy oh boy!

Meanwhile, the cat sat in the door of the bathroom with a look on his face that could only mean one thing, "You bastard!" Here he thought the dog was going to get his and the big lout ends up enjoying it.

Last night I had the wierdest dream. I was a participant on The Apprentice with Donald Trump, Siaed and Sawyer from Lost were there trying to overtake a group of terrorists while I learned about the salads served in Trump Tower, the whole time trying to figure out the name of the actor who played James Kirk on Star Trek. I woke up screaming "William Shatner!"


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