
Welcome to the random ramblings of a scattered mind.

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Location: St. Louis, MO

Friday, May 12, 2006

This World

Is so screwed up. It's so SCREWED. I can't believe what is happening to our government, to our population, to our resources. Hundreds of penguins wash up on a beach coated in crude and no one seems to know where the oil came from. That makes me feel secure. President Egghead is pushing through his nominations even though the whole freaking country is against it. The phone companies are giving up our records without so much as a though of fighting. But the top story? Tom "Crazy-ass" Cruise.

It makes me want to pack up my family and move to the mountains. I'll live off berries and weeds if it means I don't have to put up with this world anymore. Yeah, I'll miss a few things, but I'll probably live a long, happy life...as long as I can figure out how to brew beer or make my own wine.


Blogger Matto the Hun said...

See, after a bit you start to realize that those crazy militant mountain people aren't crazy... they're paying attention!!!!

10:56 PM  
Blogger Matto the Hun said...

It pissed me off working at HD. Our CEO gets a GUARANTEED Bonus that is more than his giant ass annual salary! And he's done NOTHING for HD's stock since he started!!

How the hell does a guy get a bonus... a reward contingent on performence... regardless of what he does. IF I get a bonus it's chump change next to my salary for a WEEK, nevermind for a year.

Plus he has a deal in his contract where the COMPANY pays about 2/3 of his taxes. So not only do i bust my ass to pay MY taxes, I'm busting my ass to pay some of his.

It's legalized Theivery... the guy along with many other American CEO's are nothing but crooks.

I don't know how any of THAT makes any sense in this world.. I don't know why everyone at HD or evn everywhere are not up in arms, tarring and feathering these guys. Instead they get rewarded and we let them get away with it... i just don't get it.

11:06 PM  
Blogger Barbarian02003 said...

Aaarrg! Me angry. You not like me when me angry!!!

4:07 PM  

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