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Location: St. Louis, MO

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Hide and ...er, Hide.

I couldn't find my kitty cat this morning. Yesterday he went to the vet and that always pisses him off, but he didn't even bother to come out for breakfast and that's just not like him. He will ALWAYS be there for a meal. This worries me. Kitty needs a tooth pulled so maybe that's giving him some trouble. I don't know. If I still can't find him by dinner time I'm tearing that house apart.

Why can't my insurance cover my vet needs? I don't have any kids, but my two animals do depend on me. I think insurance should cover pet costs. They're a heck of a lot cheaper than children and usually live less. I think it would be a grand idea to include pet costs in health insurance.

I stuck my foot in my mouth first thing this morning. I got into the elevator with one of my professors. I asked him if he and his family had any summer vacation plans. He told me that he and his wife had just divorced. Oops.

It's a dreary day today and I like it. I like the rain. I like a slate gray sky with big, bluish clouds and a steady rain that washes away all the stink of the city. The only problem is this is great sleeping weather and my body knows it. I'm fighting to stay awake here.


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