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Wednesday, April 25, 2007

To Infinity and Beyond!

Have you ever wondered what the Christians would do if there were irrefutable proof that life existed on other planets?

Life on other planets would go a long way in proving evolution existed. It would smash the idea that we are alone in this great big universe (you know, being the image of God and all). It would put to end a lot of useless arguments. It would be a wonderful opportunity for people like me to shove the noses of people like that in their own hypocrisies. "Gee, I don't see aliens or the possibility of other life anywhere in the bible. Could you point that out to me, please?"


I watch American Idol. I know, I know, but for some reason I keep tuning in even though this season is the most boring and least talented of all. But last night American Idol had a special going on, Idol Gives Back.

I am all for charity, and I applaud the fact that Idol Gives Back wants to help those in THIS country. They visited the poor and starving in the good ol' USA. Bravo, I'm so glad. It's about time we as a nation stopped giving all our aid to those in foreign countries and paid a little attention to our domestic needy.

But then they had to start the show with everyone over in Africa starving, living in shit-holes, and dying of diseases. Simon Cowell, Mr. Sensitive, ran (I mean booked) out of one of these huts in disgust. He was appalled by the conditions so he just left. The poor woman who was dying in bed looked so rejected and hurt. Oh, but the cameras didn't care about her feelings, they had to get a shot of Simon sitting in the SUV complaining about it and waiting for his driver to take him away.

Well, that's a super star for you.

I know this next statement is going to garner me a lot of shit, but I have to say it. Why can't we spend most of our relief funds on us, hmmmm? We are the richest country yet we leave those below the poverty line to fend for themselves. We want the good press and good feelings helping others gives us but we don't want to deal with the embarrassment and shame of admitting we have our own problems. We'll just sweep the American Indians under the rug and forget about them. Poor, starving, bloated, and sick children in our own country makes us feel bad, so we'll replace those images with poor, starving, bloated, and sick children from somewhere else. That makes us feel better.

Charity starts at home, we need to freaking remember that. We're sending boys home from Iraq missing limbs and dealing with mental issues, but they can't get health insurance or financial aid because we're "all tapped out."

We take sick, deformed, or mutilated children from foreign lands and fix their ills for FREE, but a welfare mom who has a kid with a cough can't get in to see a doctor for anything.

Americans are spending more and more of their paychecks for health insurance, but if they were illegal aliens they'd get it for free.

Kids from our schools are graduating without knowing how to read. They can't trust their teachers not to screw them, and now they have to worry about getting shot every day, but we applaud Oprah for building a brand new, state-of-the-art school in Africa. Yes, that makes perfect sense.

I don't mean to say others don't deserve the help, but c'mon! It's hard to toot your own horn when you have to dig it out of a pile of dead bodies.


Blogger Matto the Hun said...

We could help our own poor AND the poor in other countries if we weren't involved in pointless wars (Iraq), spending money on nuclear weapons, among other things

Ben Cohen illustrates this in a really great way here. [flash player needed to check this link out]

1:23 PM  

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