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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Want a Better Country? Start Killing People.

China executed the former State FDA Chief after finding out he was able to be bought. They had this to say:

"Zheng Xiaoyu's grave irresponsibility in pharmaceutical safety inspection and failure to conscientiously carry out his duties seriously damaged the interests of the state and people," Xinhua cited the high court as stating.

Hmmmm, he seriously damaged the interests of the state and people. Who else has done that in, oh, say, this country? Oh, I don't know, just about everyone in a position of power. Certainly our President and most of his cabinet. I wonder what would have happened if we'd chopped off Scooter's head instead of slapping him with a 2-year prison sentence. Think Bush would have been so quick to jump on Libby's bandwagon? But of 'course, if we killed people who wronged this country Bush would have been dead a long time ago.

We, as a country, need to start holding our leaders accountable for their actions and we need to do it in a big way. How many lobbyists would lie their rotten teeth out if they knew they could die for what they said? How many politicians would make promises they knew they weren't going to keep if a death sentence hung over their heads? I bet we'd see a hell of a lot more honesty if the liars that lead us could be killed for those lies.

I'm going to start a petition to bring back public executions. I know I'm not alone in wanting to see our president swinging from the end of a rope. Let's tie and quarter his ass and put his big, empty head on a stick right next to the Washington Monument. I'd pay at least $20 to see that. Then we'll work our way down through ranks until we finish off with corrupt mayors and governors. We'd have the best, most honest leaders around, boy.

Am I alone in this?


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