
Welcome to the random ramblings of a scattered mind.

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Location: St. Louis, MO

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


You are going to love this. Yesterday it dropped 60 degrees in one day. At 1pm it was 72, at 10 pm it was 12. Around 5pm when I was on my way home it was about 30, windy as hell, and snow/sleet was falling.

I am almost home when I see the most pathetic thing. A guy on a motorcycle wearing nothing but a T-shirt, a pair of sweatpants, shoes, and a helmet. No gloves, no socks, no coat. He's flying like a bat out of hell, too. I froze just looking at him. Obviously someone did not pay attention to the weather forecast. I would have felt sorry for him save for one thing: It's St. Louis and it's winter, you don't leave the house in a freaking T-shirt! What kind of jackass lives in the Midwest and doesn't take precautions? Ignorant!

Let's ignore the fact that no one in St. Louis with half a brain would take their motorcycles out during the winter. The amount of salt on the road would clog even the most anal of motorcycle owner's pipes. If this jackass can wear a T-shirt and sweatpants to work then he could have taken off early when the weather started to turn.

Nope, don't feel sorry for him at all.

I wonder where all those corporate paid nay-sayers are? You know, the one's who insisted global warming was a concoction of scientists imaginations. Where have they been? Where's all that data they had that backed up their claims? C'mon, losing 60 degrees in one day is normal, right? Just as normal as having tornadoes in winter, or 56 hurricanes in one month, right?

Yeah, where are those jackasses?


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