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Location: St. Louis, MO

Tuesday, January 08, 2008


A high end restaurant in Disney World forbids children under 10 to enter.


It's about time one can go on vacation to Disney world and have a nice meal without some squalling brat ruining it. Disney is not only for children, a lot of adults like it, too. And some of those adults don't want their vacations ruined by demon-spawn. I hope more restaurants, not only in Disney but all over, institute a no-children policy.

In today's world parents are lazy. They don't care what trouble their kids cause. They let them scream and yell and run around, tipping things over or tripping people up, and we're just supposed to take it. Fuck that. If there was a restaurant in St. Louis that banned children I would eat there ALL THE TIME! Peace and quiet are worth paying for. Sitting at a table that isn't surrounded by food on the floor would be nice. Not having some sticky-handed, messy-mouthed intruder wobbling around my legs would be heaven.

So Bravo! Disney, keep up the good work.


Blogger Matto the Hun said...

We head about that on a MousePlanet podcast Mrs. The Hun gets and we listen to. Apparently the headline on the Orlando paper where they read it was something like "Disney World hates children"

Such a load of crap. That restaurant gets about 3-5 kids a week. Why? Cause it's over $100 a plate! They serve fancy stuff like fau gras and such. No kid under 10 is going to eat that sort of dish, so why waste your money anyway.

Kids are so unruly at restaurants these days. And the parents are such pathetic dumb-asses. They see absolutely nothing wrong with their children's piss poor behavior.

Now if only they could do the same thing at a place where I can afford to go. ;)

9:34 AM  

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