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Monday, March 17, 2008

Text Messaging

I hate text messaging lingo. If you want me to meet you at 8 for drinks at the Blarney Stone then type in:

Blarney Stone


N E 1 BlRny Stne 8?

Give me a fucking break, I didn't even know what to think of that shit. When did our language get reduced to it's letters and numbers? I learned late was spelled l-a-t-e, not L8. Are you is just that, a-r-e y-o-u. Not RU. We're raising a generation of dumbasses, people. A few more births and our kids won't even know how to pronounce whole words, much less write them down. I hear English teachers are having problems with kids turning in their papers written in text form. F! Big fat F, and no amount of parent bitchery would make me change it.

It's funny how hard this country fights to outlaw other languages (except maybe spanish). "If you want to live in this country you got to speak the language!" Rednecks yell. But we'll support this text message shit in a heartbeat, won't we?

Anyone who uses text messaging with me out of context is going to get a big, real, unabbreviated smack in the face.


Blogger Matto the Hun said...

No kidding. There is an ad campaign (I can't remember the company) where the daughter is speaking text-messaging talk to her mom and the mom is half getting it, or some non-sense like that. We absolutely hate those commercials.

A similar thing occurs on different forums I post in. Not frequently but sometimes. And this crap is usually a good indicator that the person in question is some idiot teenager. Mainly what they do is have one long run on "sentence" which should probably be 3 or 4 sentences. They do not capitalize, nor use punctuation. If they do use punctuation they use a lot of exclamation points and/or question marks. When they resort to this, they will also often use all caps.

Those fucktards drive me nuts. Just for fun and in the interest of science, I will attempt to translate this post below:

lol no kidding theres a ad campaign i can't remember the company where the girl is speaking text-messaging talk to her mom and the mom is half getting it lol :P or some nonsense like that we absolutely h8 those commercials dont U?!?! lol

another thing occurs on different forums i post in not frequently but sometimes and this crap is usually cuz that the person a total nOOb mainly what they do it have one long run on sentence which should probably be 3 or 4 sentences omg! lol! tehy don capitalize or use punctuationi f the do use punctuation they use a lot of exclamation points and/or question marks what nOObs OMG ROFL!!!!! when they resort to this they will also often use all caps XD


3:32 PM  

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