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Location: St. Louis, MO

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

We Don't Need Tax Cuts

We need national health care. I love how this article mentions the high cost of health care, but that's all. They mention it.

Hmmmmm, how can we stimulate the economy and give our nation confidence? Hmmmmmm, I just don't know. We're paying out the ass for health care, something that is not regulated nearly enough, and most lower class families don't even have it, thus racking up huge hospital bills when they are unlucky enough to get hurt/sick, but we have NO IDEA how to stimulate the economy.

Uh-huh. Were the health care industries not so deeply entrenched in the pockets of our current and future politicians perhaps the answer wouldn't be so hard. How much money would families have if they didn't have to have health care? How many people wouldn't die or go into debt? How many houses would be saved, families be kept together, or jobs not lost if we, the people, weren't taking it up the ass on health care?

Am I the only one thinking this?


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