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Friday, September 12, 2008

I've Been Waiting For This

A video of a limping, skinny, and heroic John McCain has just "resurfaced."

What fucking timing! Here when he's up for election, man, what a coincidence. I mean, it couldn't be that the campaign backing McCain released this video to play on the sympathy of voters, could it? Y'know, to remind them that McCain suffered horribly during a war (that most people didn't want to fight anyway) so they can tout him as patriotic and heroic, and subtly state that not voting for McCain is a vote against everything American. Oh, surly not.

More smoke screens, people. Yes, McCain suffered horribly. Yes, it's a very nice miracle that he survived and woooo, wasn't he just the shit. BACK THEN!! Let's take a look at his record recently, shall we? I'll sum it up nice and neat - McCain is Bush's lap dog! He has backed Bush on most of the shit Bush has pulled out of his ass. He has the same money lining his pockets that line Bush's. He's being controlled by the same lobyists and corporate giants that control Bush. if you want another Bush in the White House then by all means, fall for this bullshit.

What a crock! and the saddest thing of all is that peop[le will fall for it. OPlf vets or proud parents of active military will feel the swell of pride in their hearts these images invoke and riding on that euphoria they will vote for this bastard. it's what the Republicans are counting on.

Don't be fooled! The past is just that, PAST. Stick to the present and pay REALLY CLOSE attention to the future.


Blogger Matto the Hun said...

I think it was Joe Biden who made the following observation about Gulianni during the primaries... everything out of his [Gulianni's] mouth is a Noun a Verb and 9/11.

Same can be said about McCain... a Noun, a Verb, and POW.

Funny how military service is sacrosanct if you are a Rethuglican, but if you are a Democrat your service isn't worth spit.

General Wesley Clark, in an interview with Bob Schieffer, made the true and sapient observation that John McCain's POW experience was not a qualification for the presidency. He even qualified this by lauding McCain's service and sacrifice before hand.

Wesley Clark got piled on for daring to say such a thing. They said he "attacked" McCain's service, which simply is not true.

Yet when John Kerry was running in '04, McCain said the same thing about John Kerry. You can imagine he outrage against McCain and the Repuglicans for daring to questin Kerry's service.

Well, you've HAVE to imagine it since, there wasn't any outrage.

Or how Senator Max Cleland from my state of GA was attacked in an ad from the now Senator Saxby Champlis. Max Cleland who left 3 limbs in Viet Nam. But that's not good enough for Rethuglicans. The ad Saxby Champlis ran accused Cleland of not supporting the President's efforts in "the War on Terror" (not true by the way) and transitioned Max Cleland's face into Osama Bin Ladin's face

These Republicans are just bad news.

Like you said it's all a distraction, just like the fake outrage over the "lipstick on a pig"

It's because they have nothing to run on.

They've pretty much admitted it when McCain's campaign manager Rick Davis said "This election is not about issues"

That's right Rick, because McSame doesn't have any issues to run on.

10:49 AM  
Blogger Barbarian02003 said...


5:10 PM  

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