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Location: St. Louis, MO

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Well, Duh!

It seems the world is waking up to the fact that terrorists aren't stupid.

Wow, they actually used technology to plan and execute their attack? And here I was looking for the tin cans connected by a string. I just wonder how they got electricity all the way out to the cave?

After 9/11 I assumed terrorists, and those who wish to do harm, would only have to watch the news in order to learn everything they need to learn about taking this country, and other countries, apart. I mean, we don't keep anything a secret. If we're afraid you'll poison our water supply we'll plaster it all over CNN and even tell you how.

Today's technology is great. You can leave your house with nothing but a Crackberry and you can do pretty much anything you want. That GPS system you're so fond of? Yeah, that works just as well for evil as it does for good. You being able to find pretty much anything and anyone on the Internet? Mmm-hmmm, so can they.

I just love how people are so clueless they are shocked, SHOCKED, when terrorists prove themselves to be clever. Wake up, people. It's not the stupid people who pull these things off.


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