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Location: St. Louis, MO

Friday, June 17, 2005


Just when I thought no one in Washington knew what the hell they were doing, along comes the great, fantastic, long overdue news that the democrats are putting heat on the Bush brat to explain his action over Iraq. The word "Impeachment" seems to be running rampid in Congress.

It's about damn time! What do you think us moronic, everyday little people have been saying since before the last election? Oh, but we don't know anything.

But I'm not going to be bitter, better late than never. What does the White House have to say about the accusations that the Bush brat misled us into war? Nothing. Not one damn thing. What can they say? Do you think any of those prisoners in France had words to describe the feeling of knowing a razor sharp piece of metal was poised right over their necks? Any minute now....chop!

Bush being impeached would be the greatest instance of justice my generation would ever see. The pompous, snobby, egotistical, narcissistic bastard would be a social and political pariah. Not only would he have to slink off into the swamps where he belongs, but his brother Jeb's political aspirations would go down in flames as well. A two-for-one family screwing. I love it. Of'course, nothing can touch Papa Bush. He got out while the getting was good. And I just love Barbara. She was the only First Lady who didn't have two faces. Hmmm, make that 18 faces (can you say Hillary?)

I hope this Downing Street Memo is giving Bush "Land of Confusion" type nightmares. I'm sure those Have and Have-More's are jumping ship like wet rats. Loyalty is one thing rich, political people do not keep in ready supply. You're only as good as yesterday's news. And baby, it's bad.

I love it! All I can say to Bush is suck my ass. Suck it! Suck it! Suck iiiiiiiiiiiiiit!


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