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Location: St. Louis, MO

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Insult to Injury

I'm sick. Not that kind of feel crappy, suck on a cough drop sick, but that dizzy, spinning, watch my pupils expand and contract kind of sick that makes sleeping miserable and being awake pure hell. I've blown my nose so much that now I have that papery, thin skin around my nose that will start to peel soon. Oh well, it can join my head.

The question is where did I pick this up? I was ALONE on a bike for a full day, and then on a truck with my husband (who isn't sick and I could just kick him for it. His knee is much improved, thanks). Come to think of it I really haven't been around that many people since we got back from Memphis. Arg, someone hates me.

DayQuil, so good to have you with me. Too bad I can't spend more time with your cousin, NyQuil.


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