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Location: St. Louis, MO

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

I Stand Corrected

My parents visited this last weekend and my mom brought some pictures from my youth. Among them were pictures of my 13th birthday party. I don't remember that day at all, and looking at the pictures didn't bring anything back. Ok, so now I've had TWO birthday parties in my whole life, whoo!

Looking through those pictures brought back a lot of memories (which is what pictures are for, honey!) Times when I was really, really skinny and those oh so stylish 80's photo's. Did I really wear pastels? What was I thinking? And that hat, why didn't anyone ever tell me about that hat.
Some photo's contained people I no longer remembered. Some contained people I'd rather forget. But what I miss most are some of the clothes, man, I had great clothes. What happened to that blue sweater, or that pink dress? Like an onion I've peeled away all the layers of cool clothes and left myself with a collection of stained T-shirts. I need to get back to the days when I cared about how I looked. Not just for work, but all the time. There was this one photo of me in overalls. *sigh* I'm not a farmer!

So I've paid a bit more attention to how I dress when I go out. I'm bothering with make-up again and I'm looking through the forest of hair-care products to find something to tame this hair. When did this shit get so expensive? I cleaned out my closet on a massive level and reduced myself to a few items that 1) fit, and 2) are stylish. Now I'm forced to put things together.

I'm 32 and I've let myself go already. What am I going to look like when I'm 42? Thank God I've gotten into an exercise routine, now all I need to do is keep it up. I'm dedicated to eating better...nevermind that McDonald's I had last night after class. Today, today I'll eat better. I think I'll go on a high school diet. Every hour I'll pick up a pile of books and carry them around campus. I'll have a slice of greasy pizza for lunch, a burger for dinner, practice cheers for about two hours, then spend the rest of the night dancing around with my iPod. On the weekends I'll convince my husband to play all kinds of sports with me...oh, wait, football. Okay, on Saturday I'll play around with my husband and then Sunday I'll lay on the couch sucking down chicken wings and drinking beer. This could work...


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