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Location: St. Louis, MO

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

The Sorry State of Survivors

To those of you who are refugees from Katrina living in a hotel room and bitching about the fact that the hotel is now kicking your lazy ass out - DO SOMETHING!! Sitting on your ass crying about how rough life can be will not get you a new home. Watching repeats of Oprah will not get you a new home. Running from all the government agencies that are trying to help you get a new home will not get you a new home. In case you haven't figured it out by now you are on your own. No one is going to take care of you. You will have to suck it up and take care of yourself. Free ride is over. You have my sympathy, but hey, you're not the only one who's had a rough life, okay? There are lots or poor people all across this country that have it worse off than you. Stop the whining and get to work. (Im by no means saying that Katrina vicitms don't need help, but BILLIONS of dollars have been raised for that specific group. What about the homeless children living on streets in this country? What about the poor in other states that aren't getting a dime of help from anyone? Enough's enough, share the wealth.)

My co-worker made the comment this morning, "Oh, that poor man." She was talking about Egghead Bush and all the flack he's getting for being the antichrist. She's a widow. That "poor man" is trying to take away her social security benefits. How blind can some people be? How corrupt does the man have to become before they'll stop following him?

I would like to say that the funeral of a civil leader IS NOT the place to blast Bush. I think it's appalling that anyone used Coretta Scott King's funeral as a political podium. Shame on you! Didn't your mama teach you any manners? The political crap should have been checked at the door in order to celebrate the life of a wonderful lady.

Oh, and by the way, IT'S A CARTOON!! Get. Over. It.

It's snowing. I think I saw a lady in a minivan slitting the throats of her children on the way to work today.
"What are you doing?" I yelled through my window.
"I'm sending my children to heaven! The world is ending, Satan is coming. White stuff is falling from the sky!"
"It's snow," I said. "Moisture in the air is freezing due to the cold weather, resulting in ice crystals forming. The ice crystals are too heavy to remain in the air, thus they fall to the earth. It's just SNOW!"


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