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Location: St. Louis, MO

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Great Moments In Bitchery!

I had to go to my doctor yesterday morning to get an ultrasound. I won't go into the details for all you men out there who may read this, but I had to have a full bladder for the first ultrasound. AT 7:15 I started drinking my 24 oz. of water and by 8am I really had to go. I was getting ready to leave the house so I had to kick the kitty out of the bedroom. I picked him up at the precise moment he saw the dog in the hallway. Kitty became a set of Ginsu knives and I was the tin can. Needless to say I beat the living shit out of the cat and went on my way.

I know I am an angry person, but I was more steamed than I needed to be. When I got to the doctor's office I told myself to calm down. I took a few deep breathes and walked into the office.
There was no one at the front desk and no patients. I signed in and made a lot of noise so the voices in the background could hear me. Nothing. I stood there and made more noise. Nothing. I said, "Helloooooo?" Again, nothing. A worker comes in through the door behind me and asks if I've been helped. Nope. She walks into the back and comes around the front desk to help me. I sign my forms and have a seat.

Mind you, no one in the back has come forward yet.

The door opens and another employee (I could tell because she was wearing scrubs) comes in. I give her that I'm-acknowledging-you-as-a-human-being smile that most of us do. She looks at me with such hatred and disdain that I comment, "Great. Nice to see you're all so fucking friendly around here." Then I get a look of confused disdain before she walks through the door and disappears. Shortly after the front desk lady finally appears and says, "Excuse me."

I ignore her.
"Ex-cuse me."
I ignore her again.
"Excuse me, can you hear me?"
"Yes," I say, "I'm making you wait."

It's a very good thing that I haven't been exposed to any gamma radiation or I'd have Hulked up and destroyed that office. Is it so hard to give good customer service?

However, my boiling rage really surprised me. Why was I so angry? I've never been such a complete bitch over minor details before. These people have my name and all other vital information. Yet there I was ready to kill them all and then go get a sandwich. My medical problem, whatever it is, has to include messed-up hormone levels. Do I feel guilty about hitting the cat? Oh yes. Do I feel guilty for anything else? Hell no.

Today I get my results. I certainly hope there is a easy solution to this or I may end up in jail.


Blogger frangelico77 said...

matto the hun and I agree that only today we glad we far away from you. I hope they figure out what is going on and that you are alright. Chocolate, maybe you need chocolate. That's what i need when my hormome levels are out of whack.

1:21 PM  
Blogger Barbarian02003 said...

Hubby seemed to enjoy that one, too.

4:05 PM  

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