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Location: St. Louis, MO

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Pet Peeves

I have many pet peeves. Hey, we all do, but one that really annoys me seems to be popular these days. I like to watch movie trailers. I like to see how an editor or director makes a five minute intrigue that is supposed to convince you to see a movie. Some are brilliant, some suck, but most manage to get the general idea across.

What I hate is watching a five minute preview where three and a half minutes are dedicated to listing how many awards the film has won. Who cares if it was Sundance's greatest film? Who cares if Puerto Rico gave it an award? Half the awards listed no one knows about anyway. Don't waste my time by making me look at how many freaking awards the film may/may not have won. Just show me the damn movie. It doesn't matter how many other people like it, if I think it sucks I'm not seeing it.

So there.


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