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Location: St. Louis, MO

Monday, June 12, 2006

The Saga Continues

I went to the third doctor today and found that I may, MAY, have found the source of all my pain. Let me 'splain.

Before Memorial weekend I started getting a pain in my left side. I went to my general doctor and after he poked around a while and took blood and urine specimens he had no diagnosis. "Could be Colitis related," he says. "Make an appointment with your butt doctor."

So I do. I couldn't see him until June 6th. Glad I wasn't bleeding or anything. So on June 6th I go to my butt doctor. He pokes around and says, "Well, we'll have to take a look at the colon." On June 8th I had a colonoscopy and then my troubles really began. After I slept off the drugs my left side hurt like hell. It hurt to stand, sit, walk, bend over, or lay down. Friday morning was a little better but I was still in pain, so I called the good ol' butt doctor to find out if this was normal. I made that call at 9am. About 6:30pm he finally calls me back. He says I shouldn't be in pain (but I was) because nothing he saw would be causing it (but it was there). "When you find out what it is, let me know, eh?"

Gee, thanks.

So Sat. and Sun I spent relaxing and going crazy. The pain has subsided a lot but it still hurts if I poke it. I've stopped poking it. Today I went to the Gyno for a full exam. Turns out my left ovary is slightly enlarged so this Wednesday I have to have an ultrasound to find out what's up. If this Dr. doesn't find anything I don't know what I'll do.

I used to get tired of every ache and pain being traced back to my colitis, but now I'd give anything to know the source of this is. This is so frustrating! I don't have a fever, my white blood cells aren't elevated, there isn't any infection, but I was in freaking pain! Arg!


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