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Thursday, February 22, 2007

Lost on Lost

I watch Lost, the TV show. I have since it began. I was a bit disappointed with last night's episode. They said three major questions would be answered. What they didn't say was once the questions were answered they'd leave 20 more questions in their wake. I know the director likes to answer questions in his own sweet time, so I'm just going to sit back and wait and NOT speculate.

But last night there was something that just pissed me off. Jack, our hero, is in a cage. A group of people he believed to be kidnapped and dead/wounded show up looking clean and healthy. A woman, I think her name is Cindy, comes up to the cage.
Now, Jack is surprised to see these people. He's even more surprised to learn that they are now a part of the "others." He screams, "What are you doing here?" and gets very agitated. Very.

That's not what pissed me off. What pissed me off is this Cindy bitch keeps looking at Jack like "Why are you angry? I mean, you're locked in this cage, filthy, you've been lied to, tortured, and psychologically fucked with. What could you possibly be mad about, Jack?"

I don't care how crazy you are, how brainwashed you've been, how drugged-up or burnt-out you have become, if you walk up and find a man locked in a cage you're going to understand why that man might be in a bad mood. Not stare at him with a look of hurt confusion.

Boo to you Mr. Lost-director-guy. Boooooooo! You've taken a great show and ruined it by too many damn plot twists, too many unexplained things, and too many unanswered questions. To throw in horrible logic (bad acting?) is too much. Stop it before Lost gets canceled all together.


Blogger Matto the Hun said...

Man, I hear you on that whole Jack/Cindy/cage thing. And no matter what the answer is to Cindy and co. being there, it won't explain the absurtity of the situation as you have accurately described.

Also, Mrs. The Hun said the flash backs were BORING. Usually I think the backstaory is interesting, but I am having to agree with her more and more lately. (although the back story from last weeks show was very ineresting)

It's been a while, we've gotten to know most of the characters to an acceptable extent. Can't we have a little less backstory and more Mystery Island Madness?

Ahh well, we're annoyed that it comes on at 10 now. We don't have TiVo and we're too cheep to get it. We've recently had to get a new TV but for some reason we can't seem to record with the VCR on this new set, even though we can watch videos/DVDs on it.

Lost Island Mystery Madness I tells ya.

4:28 PM  
Blogger The Grunt said...

I have not seen one episode of this show. I feel like a total loser. This is what I get for working nights.

4:21 AM  
Blogger Barbarian02003 said...

That's all right, Grunt, you don't know the disappointment of watching a great show take a double back-flip over the shark.

Matto - I agree, so what about the tattoo, kay? So what.

9:58 AM  
Blogger DarthImmortal said...

I do enjoy Lost but I can't stand commercials so I watch the DVD's. I won't be seeing these episodes until this October but I will probably be pissed over this too.

4:04 PM  

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