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Location: St. Louis, MO

Thursday, March 29, 2007

You Don't Know Me

I have a paranoia about safety. Doors and windows are locked at all times. So is the car. There isn't anything I can do about it, I have to know things are locked up safe before I leave the house or go to bed.

My husband knows this. My husband does not care about safety. He seems to think that burglary and the like are something other people have to suffer through. He locks up when he leaves but he'll also leave a lot of things open. I can't stand it.

So this morning hubby and I left at the same time. I noticed the windows in the living room were cracked open a bit. I didn't say anything.
Hubby got into his car.
I got into mine.
He started his car.
I started mine.
He pulled out down the street.
I backed out into the street.
He turned the corner.
I drove back into the driveway, got out, shut the damn windows, and then went to work.

I get a phone call three minutes after I make it into work.

"So did you close all the windows?" my husband asks.
"I sure did." I say.


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